Solo exhibitions

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Elga Sesemann's work has been exhibited in more than one hundred exhibitions. We try to list them all in the section "Exhibitions". But here we only list Elga's solo exhibitions, at art galleries and museums/exhibition halls, with as much information as possible.

Unfortunately, we are lacking a lot of documentation. If you have information, price lists, list of works, catalogues, photos, newspaper clips or other knowledge about the exhibitions, please contact us. 

  • 1945-03-17 Konstsalongen, Unionsgatan 28, Helsinki
  • Elga Sesemann, Elga's first solo exhibition
  • 52 works
  • Newspaper clips, #7106 - #7112

We are missing the end date, but Hufvudstadsbladet article is from March 24th. We have a photo of Elga in front of painting number 3, most likely from the exhibition, dated 1945-03-31, a Saturday. It could be the last day, or maybe Sunday 1945-04-01.

The list of works, from the catalogue, with our remarks:

1 Uni, Dröm, Dream        Note that 25 has the same title. We have a catalogue with hand written prices and an X-marking for most works, that we think stands for that the work has been sold. About the prices, 600 old Finnish Marks, before 1963, would have been roughly 1 Euro at that time.   Price noted =    15 000:-

2 Paratiisi, Paradiset, The paradise     7 000:-

3 Unimaisema, Drömlandskap, Dream landscape      Page 9 in the catalogue, also in the background in the photo of Elga at the exhibition. (b/w)   7 000:-  X

4 Kuolemaan tuomitut, De dödsdömda , The doomed    B/w picture in an article,  6 000:- X

5 Preludi, Preludium, Prelude     Page 7 in the catalogue.  8 000:-  X

6 Luonnos, Skiss, Sketch   (no price)

7 Luonnos, Skiss, Sketch   3 000:-  X

8 Madonna   5 000:-  X

9 Muotokuva, Porträtt, Portrait    #150? Nelly, (Elga's younger sister) at WSOY,   8 000:-  X

10  Muotokuva, Porträtt, Portrait  #204? Seppo Näätänen, Elga's fiancé, at WSOY 10 000:-  X

11 Kaksoismuotokuva, Dubbelporträtt, Double portrait   Seppo and Elga.  #121 Now at the Ateneum.   10 000:-  X

12 Omakuva, Självporträtt, Self-portrait     Page 6 in the catalogue. #151 Donated by Bäcksbacka to Nationalmuseumet in Stockholm, transferred to Moderna Museet i Stockholm when it was founded.     7 000:-  X

13 Omakuva, Självporträtt, Self-portrait  (no price)  X

14 Omakuva, Självporträtt, Self-portrait  7 000:-  X

15 Amu, Morgon, Morning   5 000:-

16 Sade, Regn, Rain      #198 Identified by the article #7107. Now at HAM. Self-portrait with her sister Nelly in the background.   6 000:-  X

17 Kuollut tyttö, Död flicka, Dead girl     Page 8 in the catalogue, #163. (no price)

18 Andante      #124?   7 000:-

19 Tarjoilijatar, Servererska, Waitress     #164? Now at the Ateneum.    3 000:-  X

20 Sunnuntaiaamu, Söndagsmorgon, Sunday morning    4 000:-

21 Rankkasade, Störtregn, Downpour     3 000:-  X

22 Öinen katu, Nattlig gata, Street at night      #156.  4 000:-  X

23 Äiti, Mor, Mother     #126?  Elga's mother. Now at the Ateneum.   6 000:-  X

24 Manalaan menijät, På väg till Hades, On the way to Hades   4 000:-

25 Uni, Dröm, Dream      See 1 above, same title    7 000:-

26 Marttyyri, Martyren, The martyr    5 000:-

27 Puu, Trädet, The tree   (no price)

28 Maisema, Landskap, Landscape     5 000:-  X

29 Vanhus, Åldring, Gaffer      #178 Could be work from the art school, we have sketches in a sketchbook, there is a similar painting by Seppo Näätänen.     15 000:-  X

30 Ilta, Kväll, Evening    5 000:-  X

31 Mielisairas, Sinnessjuk, Insane   7 000:-  X

32 Mietiskelijä, Tänkare, Thinker      6 000:-  X

33 Asetelma, Nature morte, Still life      #123?    7 000:-  X

34 Pulloja, Flaskor, Bottles      #498? Now at the Ateneum.    5 000:-  X

35 Vihreä pullo, Grön flaska, Green bottle      #122?      5 000:-  X

36 Sanomalehtiä, Tidningar, Papers      Page 10 in the catalogue. #193     5 000:-  X

37 Kolme omenaa, Tre äpplen, Three apples     #205?   3 000:-  X

38 Vettä ja värnissaa, Vatten och fernissa, Water and varnish    4 000:-  X

39 Sininen maljakko, Blå vas, Blue vase      (no price)

40 Valoa vasten, Mot ljuset, Backlight   4 000:-  X

41 Pulloja ja peltilaatikko, Flaskor och plåtask, Bottles and tin box    #129?     4 000:-  X

42 Valkoinen kannu, Vit kanna, White jug    6 000:-    Not sold, can be the same at 1947 (#148) But it may be dated 1946?

43 - 52 Pastelleja, Pasteller, Pastels     We have many pictures of pastels from the period but we have no knowledge if any of them were shown at the exhibition.     2 000:-/pp   Six of them are marked with X.                     

Picture gallery

Below are pictures of paintings that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, with all kinds of reservations.

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition.

  • 1947-01-11 - 1947-01-19 Tampereen Kirjastotalon, Tampere
  • Elga Sesemann, 35 works
  • Newspaper clips , #7120 #7123 #7125 #7126 #7127 #7128 #7217

Invitation card and poster

 The list of works, with our remarks:

1 Bridge, Silta, Bro         Could be the same as exhibited at Liljevalchs, Stockholm, 1947-04-18   - 1947-05-18, see also No. 11.

2 Dinner time, Ruokatunti, Matdags      #102?

3 Village, Kylä, By

4 Winter sun, Talviaurinko, Vintersol      

5 Deserted street, Autio katu, Öde gata      #161?

6 Green bottle, Vihreä pullo, Grön flaska      #122? Same as No. 35 Helsingfors 1945? But marked as sold 1945?

7 White flowers, Valkoisia kukkia, Vita blommor    #187? Could ba an other from 1946, but we have no picture

8 Morning, Aamu, Morgon

9 Chapel, Kappeli, Kapell

10 Summer evening, Kesäilta, Sommarkväll

11 Waiting room, Odotushuone, Väntrum      #160 Could be the same as exhibited at Liljevalchs, Stockholm, 1947-04-18 - 1947-05-18, then titled "I väntrummet 1945" Now at Joensuu Konstmuseum with stated date 1946.

12  Sunrise, Auringonnousu, Soluppgång    Oil on board, 47x70 cm, 1946, at S:t Michels art museum.   

13 Fist snow, Ensi lumi, Första snön      Picture in article #7123

14 Reflection, Peilikuva, Spegelbild

15 Sooty white, Nokivalkea, Sotig vit

16 Mug, Muki, Mugg

17 Still life, Asetelma, Stilleben      #449?

18 White jug, Valkoinen kannu, Vit kanna      #148? daterad 1946

19 Red bottle, Punainen pullo, Röd flaska      #192?

20 Sunset, Auringonlasku, Solnedgång

21 Tea brewer, Teekeitin, Tebryggare      #469?

22 Landscape, Maisema, Landskap

23 Still life, Asetelma, Stilleben

24 Self-portrait, Omakuva, Självporträtt        #125?

25 Portrait, Muotokuva, Porträtt 

26 - 35 Pastels, Pastelleja, Pasteller


Picture gallery

Below are pictures of paintings that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, with all kinds of reservations.

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition.

Elga did not have any solo exhibitions during the 1950s, to our knowledge. But she had many large exhibitions together we her husband, Seppo Näätänen:

1950 Tampere

1952 Tampere

1953 Kemi

1953 Tampere

1955 Tampere

  • 1960-04-08 - 1960-04-18 Taidesalonki Husa, Hämeenkatu 18, Tampere
  • Elga Sesemann, solo exhibition, 22 works
  • Newspaper clips, #7160 - #7164 , #7166

The list of works, with our translations from Finnish.


1 Dance dream, Tanssiuni, Dansdröm

2 Sunrise, Auringonnousu, Soluppgång    

3 Exercise, Harjoitus, Övning

4 Morning at the road, Aamu maantiellä,  Morgon på landsvägen

5 Reading man, Lukeva mies, Läsande man

6 Dog club, Koirakerho,  Hundklubb

7 Violin tuning, Viulunviritys, Fiolstämning

8 Office, Konttori, Kontor

9 Summer morning, Kesäaamu, Sommarmorgon

10 Reading woman, Lukeva nainen, Läsande kvinna

11 The girlfriends, Ystävättäret, Väninnorna

12 Man and woman, Mies ja nainen, Man och kvinna

13 Apple basket by the window, Omenakori ikkunalla, Äppelkorg i fönstret

14 Negro Christ, Neekerikristus, Negerkristus

15 Blue bottle, Sininen pullo, Blå flaska

16 Fish still life, Kala-asetelma, Fisk-stilleben

17 Black jug, Musta kannu, Svart kanna

18 Still life, Asetelma, Stilleben

19 Heat, Helle, Hetta

20 Spring winter, Kevättalvi, Vårvinter

21 Still life, Asetelma, Stilleben

22 Christ on a stroll, Kristus kävelyllä, Kristus på promenad

Picture gallery

Below are pictures of paintings that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, with all kinds of reservations.

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition.

  • 1962-12-01 - 1962-12-11 Taidesalonki Husa, Hämeenkatu 18, Tampere
  • Elga Sesemann, solo exhibition
  • Newspaper clips, #7168 - #7173

The list of works, with our remarks and our translations from Finnish.


1 The lion tamer family greet, Leijonankesyttäjäperhe tervehtii, Lejontämjarfamiljen hälsar

2 Oskar

3 We are flying, Me lennämme, Vi flyger

4 Death of the chimney sweeper, Nokikolarin kuolema, Sotarens död

5 The last, Viimeiset, De sista

6 West wind, Länsituuli, Västanvind

7 Crystal bowl, Kristallimalja, Kristallskål

8 Afternoon, Iltapäivä, Eftermiddag

9 Young angels, Nuoria enkeleitä, Unga änglar

10 Fish still life, Kala-asetelma, Fisk-stilleben

11 Red tray, Punainen tarjotin, Röd bricka

12 Still life, Asetelma, Stilleben

13 Young Hamlet, Nuori Hamlet, Unge Hamlet

14 Sunrise, Aamuyö, Gryning

15 Drunk, Juopunut, Berusad

16 Lantern and cabinet, Lyhty ja ehtoolliskaappi, Lykta och nattvardsskåp

17 Brass jug, Messinkikannu, Mässingskanna

18 The dream's clown, Unen klovni, Drömmens clown

19 The diggers, Kaivajat, Grävarna

20 Dream landscape, Unimaisema, Drömlandskap

21 Sunset, Auringonlasku, Solnedgång

22 Still life, Asetelma, Stilleben

Picture gallery

Below are pictures of paintings that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, with all kinds of reservations.

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition.

  • 1966-10-22 Galerie Hörhammer, Helsinki
  • Elga Sesemann, 26 works, solo exhibition
  • Newspaper clips , #7174 - #7178 , #7180 #7181 #7215

The list of works, with our remarks and our translations from Finnish.

1 Idle angels, Joutilaat enkelit, Sysslolösa änglar     #256

2 Woman with dead bird, Nainen ja kuollut lintu, Kvinna med död fågel   #303

3 Kyrie     #425

4 Anno 1898

5 Gates of the sea, Meren portit, Havets portar

6 Deceased aunts, Tätivainajat talvipuutarhassa, Avlidna tanter  #A178, also Tampere 1967

7 Then, Silloin, Då   #251, Probobly also No. 1 Tampere 1967, No. 12 Stuttgart 1968 (69x84 cm)

8 Sleeping angel, Nukkuva enkeli, Sovande ängel     #257, also Tampere 1967

9 Coulisse town, Kulissikaupunki, Kulisstad    Probobly also Tampere 1967

10 The suns large house, Suuri aurinkotalo, Solens stora hus   89x62 cm, Stuttgart 1968, also Tampere 1967?

11 Moon tower, Kuutorni, Måntornet     98x54 cm, Stuttgart 1968, also Tampere 1967?

12 Glass bells, Lasikellopeli, Glasklockor    #A179

13 Frozen paradise, Jäätyvä paratiisi, Fruset paradis

14 Station, Asema, Station     93x49 cm, Stuttgart 1968, also Tampere 1967?

15 Sun pavilion, Aurinkopaviljonki, Solpaviljong    61x44 cm, Stuttgart 1968, alson Tampere 1967?

16 Fist snow, Ensi lumi, Första snön    Oil, 1966, at Riihimäki Art Museum

17 Flood water, Nousuvesi, Högvatten     90x60 cm, Stuttgart 1968, also Tampere 1967?

18 Nandin       oil on board, 61 x 47 cm, 1965 #226 also Tampere 1967

19 Fog tower, Sumun torni, Dimtorn      #254?

20 Desert horizon, Erämaan reuna, Ökenrand    Mentioned in article #7181a

21 Royalty in the palace, Kuninkaalliset palatsissa, Kungligheter i palatset

22 Sea view, Mereltä, Havssyn

23 My son, Poikani, Min son    #357, also Stuttgart 1968, also Tampere 1967?

24 Tiruvannamalai     Mentioned in article #7176, town in India, also  Stuttgart 1968, also  Tampere 1967?

25 The transformer's song, Muuntajan laulu, Transformatorns sång    Mentioned in article #7181a

26 Self-portrait,  Omakuva, Självporträtt

Picture gallery

Below are pictures of paintings that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, with all kinds of reservations.

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition.

  • 1967-02-04 Tampereen Kirjastotalo, Tampere
  • Elga Sesemann, 23 works, solo exhibition
  • Newspaper clips, #7182 #7183 #7184

The list of works, our reconstruction and  our remarks 

We are missing the list of works and also the end date of the exhibition. If you have any information about this exhibition, please contact us.

Below we have compiled information from the articles and searches in our archives and the archives of the Elga estate.

We have looked at the lists of works from the exhibitions a year before and a year after. That gave us some possible candidates of paintings that may have been at this exhibition.

There were 23 works at the exhibition.

No. 1 Then, Silloin, Då #251 Mentioned in #7183

No. 7 Easter, Pääsiäinen, Påsk Mentioned in #7183

No.  17 Sleeping angel, Nukkuva enkeli, Sovande ängel #257 Mentioned in #7183

No. 21 Deceased aunts, Tätivainajat talvipuutarhassa, Avlidna tanter #A178 Mentioned in #7182, #7183

Sunday, Sunnantai, Söndag #A180 Visible in #7184

Coulisse town, Kulissikaupunki, Kulisstad  Mentioned in #7182

Grave of the bulls, Härkien hauta, Tjurarnas grav Mentioned in #7182

Holy gates, Pyhät portit, Heliga portar POSSIBLY #502? Mentioned in #7182

Burned, Palanut, Bränd Mentioned in #7182

Nandi, Nandin, Nandi #226 Nämns i #7182 Visible in #7184

Desert horizon, Erämaan reuna, Ökens rand Mentioned in #7182

(Works shown both in Helsinki 1966 and Stuttgart 1968)

The suns large house, Suuri aurinkotalo, Solens stora hus

Monn tower, Kuutorni, Måntornet  b/w photo below

Station, Asema, Station

Sun pavilion, Aurinkopaviljonki, Solpaviljong

Flood water, Nousuvesi, Högvatten

My son, Poikani, Min son #357

Tiruvannamalai (town in India )

Picture gallery

Below are pictures of paintings that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, with all kinds of reservations.

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition.

  • 1968-12-08 - 1969-01-19 Galerie Schloss Remseck, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Elga Sesemann, solo exhibition
  • 31 works
  • Newspaper clips , #7185 - #7188

The list of works, with our remarks and our translations

"Katalogfolge der Temperas" We think that most paintings are tempera/oil/mixed technique.

1 The end of the world, Weltrand, Världens ände 91x122 cm #A155

2 The factory, Die Fabrik, Fabriken 80,5x121

3 Cooled, Erkaltet, Svalnat 68x123,5

4 Carillon, Glockenspiel, Klockspel 122x61 #A147

5  The lovers' chairs, Die Stühle der Liebenden, De älskandes stolar 53,5x123

6 Kettle, Kessel, Panna 122x80

7 First time piece, Die Ur-Uhr, Ur-uret 63,5x121

8 I with me, Ich mit mir, Jag med mig 68x110,5

9 Moon night, Mondnacht, Månnatt 53,5x121,5

10 My son, Mein Sohn, Min son 61x122 #357

11 Tall sideboard, Wüstenschränke, Högskänk 62x122

12 Then, Damals, Då, Sillion 69x84,5 #251

13 Tiruvannamalai, (town in India) 71x90,5

14 Aleksander, 53,5x93

15 Pair, Paar, Par 111x68

16 Moon tower, Mondturm, Måntorn 98x54 s/v bild

17 In the dream, Im Traum, I drömmen 90x81

18 Travelling roses, Reisende Rosen, Resande rosor 69x94 #459? version? gouache

19 At night, In der Nacht, Nattetid 90x62,5

20 The large sunhouse, Das grosse Sonnenhaus, Det stora solhuset 89x62

21 Station, Station, Station 93,5x49,5

22 Return of the ship, Rückkehr der Schiffe, Skeppets återkomst 72x91 #228

23 Under tapestry flowers, Unter Tapetenblumen, Under tapetblommor 69x93,5 #352? version? gouache

24 Memory, Erinnerung, Minne 81x91

25 Still flood, Stille Flut, Stilla högvatten 90,5x60,5

26 Father's death, Vaters Tod, Fars död 54x80,5 #292

27 The death ships, Die toten Schiffe, Dödsskeppen 54x67,5

28 Sun pavilion, Sonnenpavillon, Solpaviljong 61x44

29 Coulisse town , Kulissenstadt, Kulisstad 62x103

30 Day and night, Tag und Nacht, Dag och natt 61x103

31 By the Bechstein, Am Bechstein,Vid Bechsteinen 103x61 #300 gouacheversion

Picture gallery

Below are pictures of paintings that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, with all kinds of reservations. 

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition.

  • 1969-02-15 Galerie Hörhammer, Helsinki
  • Gouache
  • Elga Sesemann, solo exhibition
  • Newspaper clips, #7189 - #7193

The list of works, with our remarks and our translation

We do not have the end date of the exhibition and we have only a few pictures of the exhibitions paintings. If you have any information about this exhibition, please contact us.

1 The gate, Veräjällä, Grinden, 

2 On the road, Tiellä, På vägen

3 Stroll, Kävelyllä, På promenad

4 Circus horse, Sirkushevonen, Cirkushäst

5 Silence, Hiljaisuus, Tystnad Mentioned in #7189

6 The lovers, Kuolleet rakastavaiset, Döda älskande Picture from #7191, some mix up in the articles between No. 6 and No.10

7 By the pond, Lammella, Vid dammen Skulle kunna vara #224 eller variant därav

8 In the garden, Puutarhassa, I trädgården

9 Double portrait, Kaksoismuotokuva, Dubbelporträtt

10 The couple, Rakastavaiset, Paret The picture on the invitation card, mentioned in #7190, #7191, some mix up with No. 6

11 Dawn, Sarastus, Gryning

12 Thunderstorm, Ukonilma, Åskväder

13 On rails, Kiskoilla, På skenor

14 Rain, Sade, Regn

15 Cloud, Pilvi, Moln

16 Chairs, Tuolit, Stolar

17 Bell concert, Kellokonsertti, Klockkonsert

18 Gramophone flowers, Gramofonikukkia, Grammofonblommor

19 The burning, Palavat, De brinnande

20 Family grave, Sukuhauta, Släktgrav

21 Gates, Portit, Portar

22 Concert, Konsertti, Konsert    Mentioned in #7191

23 Farewell, Jäähyväiset, Avsked

24 Street, Katu, Gata

25 The empty house, Tyhjä talo, Det tomma huset Mentioned in #7189, POSSIBLE  #416?

26 Men, Miehiä, Karlar Mentioned in #7191, #7193.

27 Meeting, Tapaaminen, Möte

28 A dead sister, Kuollut sisar, En död syster

29 Balcony, Parveke, Balkong

30 Churh, Kirkko, Kyrka Mentioned in #7191, many later versions, like #417 from 1971

31 Winter, Talvi, Vinter

32 In Egypt, Egyptissä, I Egypten

Picture gallery

Below are pictures of paintings/versions/photos(b/w), that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, with all kinds of reservations. 

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition.

  • 1970-09-26 Galerie Hörhammer, Helsinki
  • Elga Sesemann, solo exhibition
  • Newspaper clips, #7195 #7221

We do not have much information about this exhibition, only two newspaper clips.

If you know the end date or have any other information regarding this exhibition, please contact us.

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition.

Picture gallery

Below are pictures of paintings that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, with all kinds of reservations. 


  • 1970-10-31 - 1970-11-10 Taidesalonki Husa, Tampere
  • Elga Sesemann, solo exhibition
  • Newspaper clips, #7194 #7196 - #7199

We do not have much information about this exhibition, only five newspaper clips.

If you have any information regarding this exhibition, please contact us.

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition.

Picture gallery

According to the newspaper clips the exhibition contains about 40 works, oil, tempera and gouache

Below are pictures of paintings, or versions, that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, with all kinds of reservations.

  • 1972-11-25 - 1972-12-06 Galerie Hörhammer, Helsingfors
  • Elga Sesemann, solo exhibition
  • Newspaper clips, #7203 #7220

We do not have much information about this exhibition, only two newspaper clips.

If you have any information regarding this exhibition, please contact us.

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition

Picture gallery

There are some information in the newspaper clips regarding the exhibition. There was also an exhibition in Tampere just four days after this exhibition. It is possible some works were shown at both exhibitions.

Below are pictures of paintings, or versions, that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, with all kinds of reservations.

  • 1972-12-10 - 1972-12-22 Taidesalonki Husa, Tampere
  • Elga Sesemann, solo exhibition
  • Newspaper clips , #7201, #7202

We do not have much information about this exhibition, only two newspaper clips.

30 works, painted last two years, about 15 oil/tempera, the rest gouache.

If you have any information regarding this exhibition, please contact us.

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition

Picture gallery

There are some information in the newspaper clips regarding the exhibition. There was also an exhibition in HelsinkiTampere just four days before this exhibition. It is possible some works were shown at both exhibitions.

Below are pictures of paintings, or versions, that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition,  and b/w pictures of two works that is visible in the clips. With all kinds of reservations.

  • 1975-09-03 - 1975-09-17 Galleri Orvokki Moisio, Tampere
  • Elga Sesemann, solo exhibition

We do not have much information about this exhibition, only one newspaper clip.

If you have any information regarding this exhibition, please contact us.

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition

Picture gallery

Below are pictures of paintings, or versions, that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, and b/w pictures of one work that is visible in the clip. With all kinds of reservations.

  • 1976-01-31 - 1976-02-11  Galerie Hörhammer, Helsinki
  • Elga Sesemann, solo exhibition

Our remarks regarding the invitation card

3 Lokki, Måsen, The seagull  Possible the work visible in the clip #7207 below

13 Terborchin "Konserti", Terborchs "Konsert", Ter Borchs "Concert"  Oil, tempera? Dated 1973, #304

We do not know the title of the work on the invitation card.

Picture gallery

Below are pictures of paintings, or versions, that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, and b/w pictures of one work that is visible in the clip #7207. With all kinds of reservations

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition.

The clip #7207 , ffom Hufvudstadsbladet 1976-02-01, is the only one we have.

  • 1979-02-03 - 1979-02-18  Galerie Phergus, Bulevardi 22 B, Helsinki
  • Elga Sesemann, solo exhibition
  • Newspaper clips , #7208 #7223 #7224

The list of works, with our remarks 

The list of works lists 34 works. But work No. 34 i written on the very last line of the page wich make us think there is a page 2. The clip #7233 mention "around 40 paintings" wich could mean, maybe 36 - 44 works.

The list has prices and markings, wich we think should be read as: x = sold, o / - = reserved / not for sale.

Clip #7208 mention that the exhibition is made up of oil paintings and gouache paintings. Clip 7224 specifies some works as oil and some as gouache.

No. 2 gouache, No. 7 gouache, No. 10 oil, No. 14 oil, No. 17 oil, No. 30 oil. We think that many of the paintings may be mixed technique, oil/tempera. 

Picture gallery

Below are pictures of paintings, or versions, that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, and b/w pictures,  one from the invitation card. With all kinds of reservations.

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition.

  • 1984-07-06 - 1984-07-15 Ruoveden Taideyhdistys, Ruovesi's Art Association, Ruovesi
  • Solo exhibition
  • Newspaper clip, #7210

Reviews/articles/paper-clips regarding the exhibition.

Unfortunately we have very little information about this exhibition. We have no list of works, but the clip above gives us the information that the exhibion showed about 30 works, oil and gouache. 

The following titles are mentioned in the article: 

Yötuuli, Nattvind, Night wind

Kuutamo, Månsken, Moonlight

Vedessä, I vattnet, In the water

Auringonnousu, Soluppgång, Sunrise

Puita, Träd (pl.), Trees

Vastarannan kylä, Motsatta strandens by, Village on opposite shore

Ikkuna, Fönster (si.), Window

Och från bildtexten och Elgas anteckning:

Ennen sadetta, Före regnet, Before the rain

Aamulla, På morgonen, In the morning

Picture gallery

Below are pictures of paintings, or versions, that we believe may have been shown at the exhibition, and b/w pictures of one work that is visible in the clip. With all kinds of reservations.

  • 1986? - ? - ? Art & Minerals, Helsinki
  • Solo exhibition
  • Probably at least 19 works

We have very little information about this exhibition. Helene visited the exhibition and have four photos of paintings in the exhibion hall. In these you can see the numbering of the works, the highest number is 19 and in one photo you can also see a piece of a brochure.  Helene remember that the gallery was located about a block south of the Etelä Esplanadi, maybe Unioninkatu 22, entrence from the court yard.

We do not know the dates of this exhibition. If you have any information about this exhibition, please contact us.

Picture gallery

Below are pictures of paintings, taken by Helene at the exhibition.

  • 2022-07-05 - 2022-07-17 Viljamakasiini, Ruovesi
  • Elga Sesemann 
  • Solo exhibition

27 works by Elga Sesemann from the time she was active in Ruovesi, 1948 - 2000.  Curator Tiina Tuulasvaara-Kaleva. Organizer Ruovesi municipality.

Brochure regarding the exhibitions in Ruovesi on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Elgas birth. Text by Anu Utriainen, Tiina Tuulasvaara-Kaleva, Iivu Asunta and Charlotte Lesche. Photos below are taken 1970 by, then twelve years old, Helene Lesche.

List of works, Elga Sesemann, Viljamakasiini, Ruovesi 2022-07-05 – 2022-07-17

1-3 Ur Raija Asuntas samling / From the Raija Asunta collection

1 Skvattram, Suopursu, Labrador tea, Gouache på papper / on paper, 61 x 44 cm. 1973, #477

2 Pastell på papper / Pastel on paper, 34 x 51 cm. Ca 1950, #476

3 Olja på pannå / Oil on board, 56 x 36 cm. 1950-tal, #475

4-11 Ur familjen Lesches samling / From the Lesche family collection

4 Elkala interiör /Elkala interior, Krita på papper / Crayon on paper, 48 x 65 cm. 1980-tal #338

5 Utsikt från Elkalas ateljé / View from Elkala's studio, Krita/Crayon på papper, 65 x 48 cm. 1980-tal, #343

6 Sjöutsikt från Elkala / Lakeview from Elkala. Gouache på papper / on paper 46 x 64 cm. 1975, #272

7 Gouache på papper / on paper, 58 x 47 cm. 1975, #218

8 Gouache på papper / on paper, 67 x 49 cm. 1975, #361

9 Gouache på papper / on paper, 64 x 48 cm. 1974, #213

10 Gouache på papper / on paper, 49 x 62 cm. 1970/1980-tal, #384

11 Gouache på papper / on paper, 49 x 63 cm. 1980-tal, #321

12-13 Ur Pekka Kulmalas samling / From the Pekka Kulmala collection

12 Gouache på papper / on paper, 47 x 61 cm. 1987, #474

13 Stilleben, Asetelma, Still life. Olja på duk / Oil on canvas, 58 x 58 cm. 1950/1960-tal, #473

14-20+22 Ur familjen Ermas samling / From the Erma family collection

14 "Nainen ja kuollut lintu" (Kvinna med död fågel / Woman with dead bird), Olja på pannå / Oil on board, 83 x 64 cm. 1960-tal, #303

15 "Unesta uupuneet" (Sömndruckna / Drowsy) Olja på duk / Oil on canvas, 84 x 64 cm. 1960-tal, #299

16 Nelly ja/och/and Kalle, olja på pannå / oil on board, 55 x 60 cm. 1955, #153

17 Blandteknik på duk / Mixed techniques on canvas, 80 x 83 cm. 1970-tal, #298

18 "Das Urteil" (Domen, Tuomio, The judgement). Blandteknik på pannå / Mixed techniques on board, 57 x 112 cm, 1970-tal, #297

19 "Lentävä katto" (Flygande tak, Flying roof) Olja på pannå / Oil on board, 63 x 76 cm, 1970-tal, #296

20 "Am Bechstein" (Vid/By the Bechstein) Gouache på papper / on paper, 84 x 59 cm. 1968, #300

22 Olja på pannå / Oil on board, 44 x 81 cm. 1960-tal, #295

21+23-27 Ur Tuulasvaara-Kalevas samling / From the Tuulasvaara-Kaleva collection

21 "Mein Sohn" (Min son, Poikani, My son). Olja på pannå / Oil on board, 60 x 121 cm. 1960-tal, #357

23 Gouache på papper / on paper, 62 x 47 cm. 1973, #310

24 Gouache på papper / on paper, 64 x 48 cm. 1970-tal, #311

25 Gouache på papper / on paper, 61 x 48 cm. 1973, #309

26 Gouache på papper / on paper, 60 x 47 cm. 1970-tal, #308

27 Gouache på papper / on paper, 59 x 47 cm. 1972, #307

Detta är vår inofficiella lista, med reservation för fel. 

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"Namn" (översatt namn), Benämning/beskrivning , Översatt benämning/beskrivning.

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Picture gallery

Below are pictures of the paintings that were shown at the exhibition, with all kinds of reservations.

Paper clips

Ruovesi Lehti wrote an article about  Elga's 100th anniversary and an article about the exhibition. The Ruovesi municipality's "Ruoveden kesä 2022" (Ruovesi summer 2022, what-to-do-catalogue) had a page about the exhibition and Elga's painting on the cover.